BOMA BEST is Here!

What is BOMA BEST?

BOMA BEST is a series of programs which are both certifications and building management tools. They encourage smart and sustainable solutions for existing buildings, promoting health, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and low-carbon performance. Its certification represents a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and is driving change. 

BOMA BEST’s framework promotes tenant partnerships, providing data and reports to help management and tenants show ESG commitment to shareholders. For more information on what BOMA Best can do for you, visit

There are two certification paths currently available: BOMA BEST Sustainable and BOMA BEST Smart, both providing unique approaches to maximizing building efficiency and showing your building's excellence. A third program is currently in development, BOMA BEST Healthy, focused on tenant wellness and experience. See below for more information on these programs. 

Begin Your Application


Watch below to hear from BOMA Members about their experiences with pursuing a BOMA BEST certification. Not only does BOMA BEST show that your building is outperforming the competition, but it is also a roadmap towards continual improvement. With a clear path from BOMA BEST Bronze to Platinum, this program will help your building reach full potential, maximizing profits and savings along the way!

The Numbers Speak for Themselves!

Learn More About the Programs 


To make buildings more sustainable by providing a road map on how to decarbonise, reduce water and waste, retrofit for accessibility and equity, and navigate environmental risk.

This program demonstrates to stakeholders and investors a commitment to ESG guidelines and sustainable practices, namely the UN Sustainable Development Goals. While many sustainability programs are great for new construction, BOMA BEST Sustainable places an emphasis on guiding existing buildings to meeting sustainability goals.

Field guide and FAQs


To guide owners and managers on digital transformation within the built environment to optimize operations, drive sustainability, create unique user experiences, and deliver financial value to their stakeholders and customers.

This program is a first-of-its-kind smart buildings standard, certification and building management tool. Specifically tailored to saving money, improving tenant experience, and driving efficiency, BOMA BEST Smart can change the way your building operates for the best.

Field guide and FAQs

More information on this program coming in 2024, stay tuned!

BOMA BEST Resources and Case Studies

Industrial Case Study

Office Case Study

Intro Information Deck