Get Involved. Make a Contribution. 

There is no better way to support the candidates and the issues that directly impact BOMA members' livelihoods. Contributions from BOMA members across the U.S. helps to ensure that BOMA International has the power and resources to support members of Congress who have proven their leadership and commitment to commercial real estate industry issues.

Federal law requires political action committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual who contributes in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Contributions are not tax deductible. Corporate contributions or contributions by foreign nationals are prohibited.

BOMAPAC (n.) - BOMAPAC is BOMA International’s political action committee. It enables BOMA International’s advocacy team to raise money to re-elect political candidates for federal office on both sides of the aisle who know, understand and support policies that affect commercial real estate.

BOMAPAC is crucial resource for our advocacy efforts. This video provides information on BOMPAC’s issues that impact building operations, commercial real estate financing and workforce development. These issues are key for our industry to thrive, engage with candidates and educate them about the issues our industry is facing.

BOMAPAC Resources

BOMAPAC Fundraising Toolkit

The BOMAPAC Fundraising Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to hosting a fundraiser in support of BOMA's political action committee. It includes everything from FEC compliance information to event ideas.

BOMAPAC Administrative Fund FAQ