Top Strategies for Effective Medical Office Asset Management 

The healthcare industry is building its resilience. As the pandemic introduced its fair set of challenges, many health system owners are improving their efficiency with stockpiling supplies, strengthening vendor partnerships and adhering to prescribed preventive maintenance schedules. In the report, Navigating Uncertainty: Strategies for effective medical office asset management amid economic headwinds  by author and contributor Jennifer Seiler, Managing Director at Cushman & Wakefield, she suggests these tips for effective medical office asset management:

  • Communication.
  • Plan ahead and deploy preventive measures.
  • Consider providing basic build-outs to accelerate leasing.
  • Proactively manage and monitor building service contracts and conditions.

Seiler also mentioned the importance of the role that vendors play in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for patients. Read the below conversation to learn more about her insights for effective medical office management:

HVAC Systems, Temperature and Humidity Control

The importance of HVAC systems is exponential when considering the impact it has on surgeries. For instance, Seiler shared the anecdote: “My nephew’s surgery was cancelled recently due to the OR temperature being too warm. My sister and her family had initially thought that they had cancelled the surgery because the physician thought it was too warm – when in reality it was related to its impact on the safety of the procedure.  The surgery was cancelled because the temperature was too high for my nephew’s safety.” 

Temperature and humidity controls are of critical importance when it comes to a safe surgery environment.  Seiler explained that something that may seem as inconsequential as a few-degree temperature change can actually make a big difference for patient safety. For instance, temperature and humidity that are not in compliance with the ASHRAE Standard risks the potential for growth of microorganisms or could impact the sterilization of surgical supplies. Healthcare facilities, such as surgery centers must meet stringent standards, such as those prescribed by ASHRAE and health providers (health systems, physician practices) have strict infection prevention protocols that must be followed with respect to the operations of their sites.

Preventive Maintenance Schedules

As the pandemic delivered unprecedented demand for supplies, the expectation for stockpiling has become a normal medical building operation function, the report states. For instance, Seiler’s research found that “’Just-in-time’ delivery became ‘just in case’ warehousing as asset management teams could not rely on the global supply chain to ensure adequate supplies were available.” That said, having critical components in stock, such as an elevator circuit board, can make all the difference in managing unexpected equipment failures. This is where that vendor partnership comes in as well, as Seiler explains that frequently communicating your ongoing and potential critical needs with the vendor is vital to efficient operating management. 

Seiler encourages owners and managers to use their judgment when determining whether or not they should store extra supplies for equipment. “Owners and managers should determine the age of the system and the likelihood of equipment failure when considering whether or not they should invest in backup critical equipment components or supplies,” Seiler says. For instance, if an elevator is newer and less likely to break down than other systems, she suggests using that budget for other equipment, particularly as certain parts are expensive and may require climate-controlled storage. Completion of preventative maintenance on all building equipment, per the manufacturer’s specifications and at industry-recommended time, is the best prevention of an unforeseen equipment failure. 

Vendor Partnerships

“The need for responsive vendors who can provide timely services is integral for the overall maintenance and efficiency of a health care facility,” Seiler says. In her report, she recommends that “property managers bid contracts to a minimum of three qualified service providers, as its important to have multiple vendors on hand and ready to perform critical services.” Of these services, terminal cleanings were discussed as one of the many vital services that vendors complete to ensure safety. Terminal cleanings, the thorough disinfection and cleaning procedure for surgical rooms, is completed frequently to ensure the safety and care of the patient. 

Fostering a strong partnership with a vendor isn’t only important for efficiency but can provide assistance in emergency situations like temperature or humidity changes or in the event of a weather event, for example. “All vendor partners are critical to ensuring the medical building is maintained to its highest standards for the safety of all patients and physicians, alike,” Seiler says.

Vendor Management

Maintaining strong vendor partnerships is all about quality over quantity, Seiler shares. For instance, in labor-heavy contracts, such as janitorial, landscaping or security, she recommends bidding out service contracts carefully to ensure fair compensation for vendor employees and maintaining quality service. In addition, focusing on the quality of the service that the vendor offers rather than simply on the cost of services help ensure continued strength in the service provided. Not to mention, employee retention among vendor partners should be top of mind for all property managers because high turnover among vendor employees can impact service delivery and costs in both the short- and the long-term, and ultimately impact operations of these care-delivery locations. 

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August 15, 2024 • Ella Krygiel - BOMA International