The 2024 Rising Stars Are the Wave of the Future

By Ella Krygiel, BOMA International

The five winners of the 2024 Rising Stars Program represent the key players of the commercial real estate industry and the positive impacts they are making at BOMA International and their respective careers Read below to learn more about this year’s “rising stars,” including their goals for the future and the advice they would give to emerging professionals in CRE. 

Allison Davis - TMG Partners

What led you to the commercial real estate industry?

I landed in commercial real estate the same way that I know a lot of property managers I know did which was that I met somebody who had an opportunity. At the time, I was working in San Francisco in hospitality, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I met one of my old managers who is also a great friend and mentor to me and she offered me a position as an admin assistant in her office. I’ve now been with TMG Partners for about five and a half years.

What has your involvement been like at BOMA International? 

My experience at BOMA International began mostly in 2021 after pandemic when a mentor of mine recommended participating in the Leadership Academy. I think my favorite parts of BOMA is probably the networking. I've met a lot of my lifelong friends through BOMA, and expanding my network has opened doors for possibility I would have never expected. I also enjoy the community service aspect. We're doing three or four community service events through BOMA Oakland and East Bay – not to mention, our ‘Back to School Supplies Drive,’ in partnership with Building Skills Partnership provides resources and educational opportunities for low wage CRE building service providers. This includes our janitorial, security and custodial teams so they can have the supplies they need for their kids to have a successful year.

What are your final thoughts about winning Rising Stars – and what advice would you give to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field?

Overall, I’m very fortunate to work with so many incredible people who have a big impact on me and I’m very excited about becoming a Rising Star. I look forward to continuing to grow my career and mentor younger people. Based on what I’ve learned from my career, the advice that I would give to any emerging professional is to take advantage of all educational opportunities. The CRE world is rapidly changing and it’s important to stay on top of industry trends and best practicesAlso, try to attend BOMA events and network as much as possible, many opportunities in CRE arise through referrals and connections within the industry.

Brenna Gomez - Bio Med Realty

What led you to the commercial real estate industry?

In college, I had the unique experience of taking part in a renovation project for a restaurant that really submerged me in the real estate environment. This experience led me to major in marketing business, and from there I took a temp position as an admin at a life science commercial real estate developer and property management company The position really brought my passions together and from there they offered me a promotion for the role.”

What has your involvement been like at BOMA International? 

Networking has always been an important driver for me. My mother always instilled this, because you could be the smartest person – but if you don’t have a network, you don’t necessarily have the same opportunities. When I jumped into commercial management, I realized that I needed resources and to be able to ask questions. One of my mentors had said that they were heavily involved at BOMA International and that’s when I volunteered. It was from there that I joined emerging professionals and then was asked to co-chair. I’m also on the special events committee, the emerging professionals committee and I’m a Toby Judge. All these opportunities and more have helped me continue to grow and develop my career.

What are your final thoughts about winning Rising Stars – and what advice would you give to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field?

“It was really impactful to win on the international level. I plan to stay involved in BOMA and get more involved on the international side. Overall, I want to stay in this industry because of the amazing friendships I’ve made and the educational resources I’ve received through this organization. The advice I would give to emerging professionals in commercial real estate is to actively seek mentorship and build a strong network within the industry, as these connections can provide valuable guidance and opportunities. Stay informed about industry trends and continuously pursue education to enhance your expertise. Finally, get involved in professional organizations like BOMA to gain experience, develop leadership skills and contribute to the community.

Patrick Hennessy – CBRE

What led you to the commercial real estate industry?

I come from the world of performing arts. Before the CBRE posting, I was working for a big performing arts company and helped run theatres, so I found the commercial real estate industry and this role by accident. My wife for many years worked for a commercial brokerage firm, and as I was looking to transition out of the performing arts world and into something different, she had encouraged me to follow a different passion. That led me to apply to a job at CBRE and I’ve been with them ever since. As could be said with any role, the thing that keeps me in it are the people I spend my days with and I’m extremely lucky in that way.

What has your involvement been like at BOMA International? 

“BOMA within our local chapter was critical in making me feel like I belonged and was a direct tap into the broader market. My path to BOMA was the emerging professionals' group which has long been a robust and exuberant component of our BOMA chapter. On average, we host an event a month, which can range from different social networking outings to building tours and other educational activities. It’s a healthy mix of opportunities to connect with folks new to the field. Some years ago, someone came to me to say that they were looking for new folks to join the emerging professionals committee and that I would be a great fit. That quick affirmation was all the encouragement required to step up and take a more direct and purposeful leadership role within our chapter. Beyond that, I sit on the education committee, I am the emerging professional liaison to the BOMA board, and I serve on the awards and recognition committee, to name a few. It’s such a joy to my work life to be so involved and I don’t anticipate stopping anytime soon.”

What are your final thoughts about winning Rising Stars – and what advice would you give to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field?

“Among the emerging professionals committee, we’re looking at a couple of building tours. I also host trivia sessions twice a year that I’m looking forward to. The advice I would give to emerging professionals in commercial real estate is that they feel empowered and inspired to get exposure to as many things as possible. Exposure to what’s all out there can readily increase retention, individual satisfaction, and team performance. It’s thus in everyone’s best interest to spotlight market availabilities and take advantage of available opportunity. Tied to that, don’t be subtle in what you wish to ask for, or have questions about. Like any relationship, trust and familiarity will build over time, such that your teammates can read you more naturally without having to be quite as explicit. Ultimately though, it’s only ourselves that are in our heads. And what could feel obvious to you could be easily missed by even the most earnest and empathetic colleague. If you need time off, ask for it. If you want training on a job duty, ask for it. If you want to attend a BOMA event, ask to do so. Ask, ask, ask!

Kathleen Morgan – Lincoln Property Company

What led you to the commercial real estate industry?

“I started in commercial real estate initially at a pretty young age; I started when I was 21, right out of college. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, but I knew that I wanted to somehow be involved in real estate. I started working for Lincoln Property Company as their corporate receptionist. From that experience, I learned so much from all the C-Suite members I got to assist with and understand the industry. It was then that I took my resume to the Vice President and asked what I needed to do to get on site and work my way up into the industry. He gave me the opportunity to do so, and I started as a property administrator. It was really excited to learn about new construction, maintenance and tenant move-in and so much about the industry itself.”

What has your involvement been like at BOMA International?

“I discovered BOMA from my company as they were supportive of us getting involved in different organizations. I was able to join within my first year of being on site. My involvement in BOMA started when I was on the building leaders' program here in Dallas. I graduated from that program three years ago, and then I joined the government affairs committee because I had a real passion for advocacy. I initially was a member, which then transitioned into me becoming the co-chair, to me currently acting as the chair of the government affairs committee. I’m also on the workforce development committee and I sit in on the Texas BOMA board. This year, one of the big things that I have been prepping for is the next advocacy week which is next year. I have already planned a couple of advocacy events to get more people interested in it and explain to them all the aspects of advocacy so they can become involved too. This year, we’re doing a candidate open forum for one of our government affairs events, which entails different political leaders and candidates to participate in Q&As and be able to communicate on the topic of advocacy. On top of that, we’re doing a pop-up event to get more people engaged. Overall, I’ve been able to meet a lot of the different representatives in the area through being chair and spur a lot of these conversations – not to mention being able to connect more with the city of Dallas. Whether it’s offering resources through the volunteer disaster recovery organization or getting more involved in the real estate industry in general, it’s been very impactful.”

What are your final thoughts about winning Rising Stars – and what advice would you give to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field?

“I was super honored when I found out I won. I didn’t even know I was nominated until I saw the emails come through. It was very humbling, and it means a lot to know that the hard work I put in had paid off, especially when it comes to the work that I’m passionate about like advocacy. Going forward, I find a lot of passion in tenant engagement, and I hope to be able to continue expand that and coordinate small events for them. I also hope to continue my passions for sustainability and ESG; I currently help our company a lot with different sustainability strategies and I’d love to be able to develop that on a wider scale. My advice to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field is to seek out a mentor (or multiple mentors) to guide you on your journey. Be willing to accept constructive criticism and learn from others. Don’t be afraid to make your voice heard. When you have an idea, share it confidently. If you’re passionate about something, make sure people know it. Speaking up and seeking guidance are key steps towards achieving your goals.”

Jack Sesto – ABM

What led you to the commercial real estate industry?

“From a very young age, I’ve always been exposed to the commercial real estate industry. My father was a chief engineer, so it was very evident growing up that property management was important and truly a community. I saw people that used to be admins at my father’s building become directors and property managers themselves, and so it was imparted on me that this is a community that takes care of each other. It was from there that I followed my father’s footsteps and became an operations manager for a maintenance and engineering company. 

What has your involvement been like at BOMA International?

“A mentor suggested I look into BOMA. My first event was at a block party that was raising funds, and the turnout for my company and other companies in attendance was encouraging. It brought to light the positive aspects of the industry like the networking. The advocacy, programming and networking are what I enjoy most about BOMA. The networking was what initially drew me in the quickest, but the advocacy and programming is what gets you to stay. I’ve always lived by the notion that you get out what you put in, and so my involvement from the very beginning was with the intention of joining two to three committees. I joined the emerging professionals and government affairs committee from the get-go because I wanted to connect with others in the industry and seek a sounding board for different ideas. I also enjoy the programming here in San Francisco - the DEI components, the activities, not to mention the community service events we host to promote a positive impact for food banks and senior centers. I’m also proud to have recently been chosen as the Vice Chair for the scholarship and philanthropy committee, which is a new committee that is very rewarding for establishing volunteers and funds for these great organizations.”

What are your final thoughts about winning Rising Stars – and what advice would you give to emerging professionals in the commercial real estate field?

“I wasn’t expecting to win Rising Stars – it's a huge surprise that hasn’t fully set in. It’s very humbling to be recognized, and it has just made me more excited to be involved at the international level. In the future, I plan to continue being involved at the community level and bring some positive impacts to my area. My advice to emerging professionals looking for enrichment and fulfillment in their career is: this is the place to be. Beyond that, find programs and leadership opportunities that don't only serve your own career and interests. It is so important to expand your perspective, skills and entrench yourself in different facets of CRE, as you'll understand clients, teammates and leaders better in every way, all while making a difference.