360 Performance Program Council*
The principal functions of the 360 Performance Council are to: 1) review application information and confer the BOMA 360 Performance designations, and 2) provide administrative oversight for the program with the assistance of the BOMA International staff and in compliance with the BOMA 360 Performance Program Operation and Building Designation Procedures. All final decisions regarding the operation of the BOMA 360 Performance Program shall be the sole responsibility of the Council.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Kliti Nuri.
Audit Committee*
The Audit Committee reviews the annual audit report submitted by the independent auditors and submits comments and recommendations to the Finance Committee. It also reviews the implementation of approved Finance Committee recommendations related to the audit and management letter and reviews the ongoing performance of internal controls and financial reporting.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Faides Zilemba.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee recognizes excellence in building management and operations through the presentation of The Outstanding Building of the Year® (TOBY®). The committee strives to promote these awards programs to the entire BOMA membership, the commercial real estate industry and the general public.
Membership is open with limits to representatives per region.
For more information or to get involved, contact Kliti Nuri.
BOMA Association Executives BAE Council*
The BAE Council is the governing body representing the interests of BOMA Association Executives and the local association engagement and outreach activities.
Members are elected or appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Jimmy Alsberg.
BOMA Fellows*
The BOMA International Fellows Program, launched in 2011, is among BOMA International’s highest honors. It recognizes and honors BOMA members for exemplary and sustained contributions to the industry, their profession, the community and BOMA at all levels, and is a call to continued leadership and service. The honorees will use the “BOMA Fellow” credential after their name and will be called upon to serve BOMA in a variety of capacities. These may include teaching, authoring articles, mentoring new members or young professionals, identifying future BOMA leaders, serving as thought leaders to identify future trends, etc. The Fellows direct the Daniel W. Chancey Leadership Academy and help raise funds for scholarships through the BOMA Foundation.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Mary Lue Peck or Luci Vallejo.
BOMAPAC Committee*
The BOMAPAC Committee oversees BOMA International’s political action committee, which financially supports members of Congress in both the House of Representatives and Senate. Committee members work with local associations to encourage BOMAPAC fundraisers, identify and implement fundraising strategies, and promote BOMAPAC throughout the association.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Griffin Oursler.
Building Codes Committee
The Building Codes Committee works to enhance BOMA’s position and presence as the leading commercial real estate association for building code development. Committee members provide guidance to advocacy staff on related issues and develop policy positions for code development, working with the International Code Council (ICC), ASHRAE, and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Don Davis.
Community Service Committee*
The purpose of the Community Service Committee is to serve the BOMA community. It was established to be a source of support, guidance and resource for philanthropic efforts being made by BOMA Locals and to promote purpose and engagement between the Locals and BOMA International; setting an example of the philanthropy and leadership that strengthens BOMA.
Members are appointed with limits to representatives per region.
For more information or to get involved, contact Luci Vallejo or complete and submit the Community Service Information Form.
Conference Education Workgroup
BOMA’s Conference Education Workgroup is charged with developing and advancing BOMA International’s annual conference education program. The workgroup reviews and grades all session proposal submissions and provides guidance on the selection of speakers, content experts and topics. The workgroup also evaluates the conference program each year and provides guidance on future program design.
Membership is open to all BOMA members.
For more information or to get involved, contact Kia Lor.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is to promote and cultivate a diverse commercial real estate workforce at all levels that is a reflection of the communities where they reside through talent recruitment, education and training, content development and promotion, and by leading on industry diversity and inclusion initiatives with member companies and related groups.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Henry Chamberlain.
Education Committee*
The Education Committee is an appointed group charged with developing a strategic plan to advance BOMA International’s educational offerings to serve the professional development needs of BOMA members and the commercial real estate industry. The committee provides member input and guidance on new education products/programs, subject matter experts, program delivery models, research and evaluation.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Amy Chisholm.
Emerging Professionals Committee
The Emerging Professionals Committee is geared toward BOMA members who are starting out their career in commercial real estate and want to grow professionally. The EPC provides input and guidance on creating a membership environment that is appealing, challenging and rewarding to a diverse and ever-changing workforce, as well as educating emerging professionals on the value of BOMA. The EPC also focuses on career development and networking opportunities.
Membership is open to members with less than 5 years of industry experience.
For more information or to get involved, contact Nathaniel Holic.
Energy, Sustainability and Resiliency Committee
The Energy, Sustainability and Resiliency Committee recommends policy for BOMA International on sustainability and resiliency issues. Committee members exchange information related to opportunities and challenges facing the commercial real estate industry at the national, state and local level, and work to encourage the implementation of energy conservation, climate change and sustainability practices throughout the real estate industry.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Don Davis.
Federal Legislative Sub-Committee
The Federal Legislative Sub-Committee works to enhance advocacy efforts through the exchange of information on developments affecting the industry at the federal level. The scope of BOMA’s federal work primarily focuses on supporting local associations by lobbying Congress about issues managed by policy subgroups on energy and environment, tax, and workforce development.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Don Davis
Finance Committee*
The Finance Committee makes a continuous study of the association's fiscal affairs, reports recommendations to the Executive Committee and Board of Governors, seeks to improve the financial stability and growth of the organization and its reserve position, and prepares an annual budget to be presented to the Board of Governors.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Faides Zilemba.
Government Affairs
The Government Affairs Committee develops and prioritizes policy positions on advocacy issues for consideration by BOMA International’s Executive Committee and Board of Governors. The committee identifies emerging issues, provides guidance to advocacy staff, and engages membership in an active dialogue on current legislative matters impacting the federal, state and/or local levels, strengthening BOMA’s grassroots to influence public policy.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Don Davis.
Industrial Real Estate Committee
BOMA’s industrial Committee provides a forum to discuss topics and issues related to operating and managing industrial properties and initiates and oversees the development of programs and services for owners and managers of these properties. The latter includes education programs at BOMA’s annual conference as well as webinars and stand-alone courses and programs. The Committee develops strategies to grow BOMA membership within this sector and seeks opportunities to better serve the industrial portfolio owners and managers through education, information and networking.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Kia Lor.
Industry Defense Fund Oversight Committee*
The Industry Defense Fund Oversight Committee is the approving body for all requests for assistance with the financing of advocacy or legal challenges at the federal, state and local levels. The committee provides oversight of disbursements ensuring that recipients meet the criteria for funding.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Ken Rosenfeld.
International Council
The International Council is comprised of the real estate associations from around the world that have affiliated with BOMA International (currently 18 associations). The International Council provides opportunities for high-level networking to exchange information, best practices, research, standards, education and training, public policy strategies and to facilitate business opportunities among members.
Membership is open to members of the International Affiliates and International Members-at-Large.
For more information or to get involved, contact Henry Chamberlain or Luci Vallejo.
Local Education Services Forum
The Local Education Services Forum promotes the exchange of ideas and best practices in industry education and training among local BOMA associations. The LESF also provides a forum for communicating market information, member needs and program suggestions to BOMA International.
Membership is open to all BAEs and Local Association staff.
For more information or to get involved, contact Kia Lor.
Medical Office Buildings & Healthcare Real Estate Committee
BOMA’s Medical Office Buildings and Healthcare Real Estate Committee focuses on healthcare real estate development, leasing and management. The committee spearheads the planning of BOMA’s highly regarded Medical Office Buildings and Healthcare Real Estate Conference, held annually, and works to provide better MOB performance benchmarks.
Membership is open to members in medical real estate.
For more information or to get involved, contact Amy Chisholm
Membership Development Committee
The Membership Development Committee provides direction for the execution of membership growth across the BOMA federation while maintaining the BOMA Brand in support of the overall SLRP membership goals, to increase BOMA’s influence, reach and revenue by growing its membership and engagement with non-members. It strives to accomplish BOMA’s strategic plan for membership development by setting and assessing annual Committee goals, and making recommendations that will add value to membership. The committee is led by a local membership committee chair and BAE to reflect the expertise and lifeblood of the association.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Jimmy Alsberg.
National Advisory Council*
BOMA’s National Advisory Council is an exclusive network of senior commercial real estate professionals. The NAC is focused on discussing the most pressing issues impacting companies with large regional, national, and international portfolios, while acting as a leadership sounding board for BOMA. Council members are drawn from the nation's largest companies that develop, own and/or manage commercial real estate and represent skill sets in every discipline of real estate ownership and management. The members come together twice a year to share perspectives, advance policy recommendations, and learn from each other; however, NAC provides a year-round forum for members to engage in problem solving and business discussions.
Membership is by invitation only.
For more information or to get involved, contact Mary Lue Peck or Henry Chamberlain.
National Associate Member Committee
The National Associate Member (NAM) Committee provides guidance and assistance to BOMA International from the associate member perspective. The NAM Committee provides leadership and direction on such things as marketing BOMA International Expo; promoting NAM participation on all BOMA committees, task forces and SIGs; providing opportunities for NAMs to be recognized and rewarded for their participation and support; developing and conducting education programs for NAMs; and providing forums for NAMs to express their ideas and concerns to BOMA staff, leadership and other audiences.
Membership is open to all National Associate Members.
For more information or to get involved, contact Jimmy Alsberg.
Nominating Committee*
The Nominating Committee’s purpose is to recommend the best candidates who have a variety of leadership skills, experiences, and areas of expertise to serve as BOMA International’s Officers and on BOMA International’s Executive Committee. The recommended slate of candidates is brought to the Board of Governors for approval at the Annual Conference.
Members are appointed by each Region.
For more information or to get involved, contact Luci Vallejo.
Office Building Show, LLC Board*
This appointed Board, which includes representatives from BOMA International and Buildings/ Stamats, oversees the management and operations of the BOMA International Expo conducted each year by BOMA and BUILDINGS in conjunction with BOMA’s annual conference.
Members are appointed.
For more information or to get involved, contact Amy Chisholm.
Preparedness Committee
The Preparedness Committee is designed to give industry leaders a forum to collaborate on ways to improve emergency preparedness and increase building resilience. Committee members serves as a resource to ensure BOMA members have the best information and tools to respond appropriately and recover quickly from emergency situations, natural disasters and other building security issues.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Griffin Oursler.
The State and Local Affairs Subcommittee
The State and Local Affairs Subcommittee works to enhance advocacy efforts through the exchange of information on developments affecting the industry at the state and local level. Committee members identify trending advocacy issues and assist in the development of whitepapers, policy positions, and other resources to assist BOMA local associations advocacy efforts.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Ken Rosenfeld.
Standard Methods of Floor Measurement Committee
The Standard Methods of Floor Measurement Committee works to update and revise the ANSI-accredited BOMA floor measurement standards. The committee promotes the adoption of the standards by owners, tenants and other stakeholders and provides continuing guidance on the interpretation and application of the standards.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Amy Chisholm.
Workforce Advocacy Committee
The Workforce Development Committee is a subgroup of the Federal Legislative Sub-Committee. The sub-group works to identify and advance policy that supports the development of the Commercial real estate industry needs for a trained professionals in the industry.
Membership is open.
For more information or to get involved, contact Don Davis
Workforce Development Committee*
This Workforce Development Committee will coordinate the organization-wide integration of the work BOMA International is doing related to workforce development.
The committee is comprised of the Chairs and/or Vice Chairs from the following committees:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Emerging Professional Committee
Workforce Advocacy Committee
BOMA Fellows Leadership Academy
Membership Development Committee
For more information, contact
Henry Chamberlain and
Mary Lue Peck.
*Indicates members are appointed or invited.