Federal Advocacy

BOMA International advocates on behalf of the commercial real estate industry on Capitol Hill, in states across the country and in federal agencies. BOMA furthers the industry’s legislative and regulatory agendas by actively working with lawmakers and government officials to advance issues most important to its members.

As in-person lobbying starts to resume, and in preparation for the Winter Business Meeting & National Issues Conference, the federal advocacy team produced this short video to help guide you through the process of setting up and conducting meetings with your legislators. From sending meeting requests to strategic lobbying campaigns, this is a great resource to promote your business and BOMA International in both state houses and on Capitol Hill. Please reach out to Sam Lopez, Director of Federal Affairs, at slopez@boma.org with any questions for any resources you may need as you lobby for the commercial real estate industry.

Energy & Environment

BOMA International is a leader on the sustainability front, advocating for incentives to help the commercial real estate industry reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Tax & Finance

The BOMA Advocacy Team is addressing a number of critical tax issues.

Workforce Development

BOMA International’s Workforce Advocacy Committee is proud to introduce its State Workforce Development Toolkits, available to BOMA International members. These individual toolkits provide an industry-specific, state-by-state outline of the workforce development programs, grants, education, training and certificating courses available within commercial real estate. These resources will enable employers within the industry to fill labor shortages with qualified talent, as well as provide current and prospective employees with access to career advancement opportunities. View these comprehensive toolkits now.

CRE Career One Pagers

BOMA International has done substantial research into the salary ranges and growth potential of various positions within commercial real estate. These resources can provide transparency to those interested in entering the field or looking to better understand their path to growth.