Website, E-mail Signature, and Social Media



Be sure to put the BOMA 360 designee logo on your building's website.

  • Download a horizontal high-resolution 360 Performance Program logo.
  • Link the logo to the BOMA 360 webpage so it's easy for viewers to learn about the criteria and what sets your building apart.
  • Post your announcement press release on your website (see Press and Media Relations below)
  • Post special event and celebration photos on your website.

Email Signature

Let your contacts know, each and every time you send an e-mail, that your building has the prestigious BOMA 360 designation.

  • Include the BOMA 360 designee logo. (Download the logo.)
  • Or simply add the tagline "A BOMA 360 Performance Building."
  • Consider adding a link to the BOMA 360 webpage to make it easy for recipients to learn more about the BOMA 360 Program.

Social Media

Start Posting

For effective messaging, it's helpful to include links to additional information that would be of interest to followers…such as webpages, articles, blogs, press releases, photos and more.

Tweet/X Post Ideas:

  • Proud to announce [name of building] just got the #BOMA360 designation [add your hash tag] [press release; add URL] #CRE
  • Kudos 2 the mgmt. team at [name of building] 4 getting the #BOMA360 designation from @BOMAIntl [add your hash tag]. Learn more [add URL]
  • [Name of building] is now a #BOMA360 Performance Bldg! [add your hash tag] [add URL]
  • What did it take for [name of building] to be named a #BOMA360 Performance Bldg? [Add your hash tag][Add URL]
  • What's a #BOMA360 Performance Bldg and why does it set [name of building] apart? [Add your hash tag][Add URL]
  • Celebrating #BOMA360 honor with our fab tenants at [name of building] [add your hash tag] [add picture of plaque at unveiling/event]

Facebook and LinkedIn Ideas:

  • It's been a great week at [building name]. So proud to announce that [building name] has been named a BOMA 360 Performance Building. [Add URL to press release, article or your website.]
  • We put the power of performance to the test… and we passed with flying colors. [Building name] has joined the elite group of BOMA 360 Performance Buildings. [Add URL to press release, article or your website]
  • We're all about adding value; find out why our designation as a BOMA 360 Performance Building is a big plus for our tenants. [Add URL to press release, article or your website]
  • C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e good times, come on! We are unveiling our BOMA 360 Performance Building plaque on [add date] and showing our appreciation for our tenants with a [add type of event].
  • The BOMA 360 plaque is now proudly displayed in our lobby. Had a terrific event with our tenants to mark this important industry recognition. [Add photo(s)]
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