Income/Expense IQ Data is Powerful Data. The Latest Benchmark is now Live!

Income/Expense IQ is the only asset management and property data platform that’s powered by partnership. And now that BOMA data has been added to IREM and NAA property data, I/E IQ is more holistic and powerful than ever. Build better budgets for any asset class in any market with I/E IQ.

What is Income/Expense IQ?

Income/Expense IQ provides you with nationwide, real-time property benchmarks—giving you actionable insights to identify opportunities and optimize financial performance. Download benchmarks in one, five, ten, or all metro areas to pinpoint opportunities to enable you to operate more efficiently and drive value for your owners and tenants.

You’re able to compare the performance of your properties in real-time, work with your team to assess data, and filter through our powerful online and interactive dashboard. Benchmarks reflecting 2020, 2021, 2022, and our latest data set for 2023 are available for three asset classes and grow every year.

For questions on the platform or data-related inquiries, please contact [email protected]
If you’ve got concerns about data privacy, we’ve got you covered! Read more  
Please see our FAQ Document for help getting started.

New user? Sign up here
Returning user? Access and purchase data here

Why I/E IQ?

I/E IQ provides you with a dashboard to access benchmark data. Select from asset type and MSA (metropolitan statistical area) and gain property performance insights to build better budgets faster.

Users can even download financial comparison benchmarks into Microsoft Excel which includes:

Total Income:
Income analysis, including gross rents, loss/gain to lease, gross potential rent, rent adjustments, net effective rent, and other revenue input. 

Total Operating Expenses:
Operating expenses including administrative expenses, management fees, leasing expenses, repairs and maintenance, utilities, taxes, insurance, and other important expense inputs.

Net Operating Income (NOI)

Platform pricing

Benchmark reports are available for purchase within the portal by metro area and asset class.
• One metro area, one asset class: $49
• Five metro areas, same asset class: $199
• Ten metro areas, same asset class: $349
• All metro areas, same asset class: $499

See for Yourself – Data That Works for You!