Costs can be a hurdle for properties looking to make investments to be greener. Strategies and resources are available to provide low-cost options.
White House Guidebook on the Inflation Reduction Act (Guidance Document)
This guidebook provides an overview of the clean energy, climate mitigation and resilience, agriculture, and conservation-related investment programs in President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, including who is eligible to apply for funding and for what activities.
USGBC® Buildings and the Inflation Reduction Act Policy Guidebook (Guidance Document)
The intention for developing this guidebook is to provide states and local governments with a resource that specifically focuses on the opportunity to leverage recent federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to decarbonize their built environment. This resource is not meant to be an exhaustive database of all the opportunities and policy options for addressing building decarbonization. Still, it is intended to provide an overview of funding opportunities combined with recommended planning, policy, and implementation choices.
Better Buildings Financing Navigator (Website)
There are many ways to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in buildings that you own or occupy. The Navigator helps you cut through this complexity to secure financing that works for you.
1. USGBC Buildings and the IRA: The New Incentives for Going Green (Slide Deck)
Learn more about the green building and sustainable communities provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act with this slide presentation. The Inflation Reduction Act will drive massive reductions in GHG and energy costs of homes and buildings across the U.S. It will transform markets from sweeping tax incentives and rebates to investments in better building codes and improvements to public buildings.
2. USGBC Overview: IRA Tax Incentives for Buildings (Advocacy Template)
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides historical investments to increase the energy efficiency and sustainability of new and existing buildings through the expansion of tax incentives. This document is a 2-page summary of the tax provisions most relevant to existing buildings and new construction.
3a. USGBC IRA Tax Incentives for New Commercial/Multifamily Buildings (Guidance Document)
This two-page summary covers the tax provisions most relevant to new buildings. Review the Inflation Reduction Act investments to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of new buildings, which include tax incentives, rebates, grants, and loans.
3b. USGBC IRA Tax Incentives for Existing Commercial/Multifamily Buildings (Guidance Document)
This two-page summary covers the tax provisions most relevant to existing buildings. Review the Inflation Reduction Act investments to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of existing buildings, which include tax incentives, rebates, grants, and loans.
US DOE Guide to the Federal Investment Tax Credit for Commercial Solar Photovoltaics (Guidance Document)
This guide provides an overview of the federal investment tax credit for those interested in commercial solar photovoltaics, or PV.